a Taste, a Breath, a Bite, a Word, a Zip, a Smile, a Kiss, a Face
Your Mouth, a Wonderful Instrument of Versatility
Amsterdam, Groningen and Leeuwarden, the Netherlands Recently a study was performed in 3 cities (Amsterdam, Groningen and Leeuwarden) in the Netherlands evaluating periodontitis prevalence, risk factors and links between periodontitis and other diseases. The manuscript is currently being revised and will be offered for publication in a scientific journal soon. We want to thank everybody at Parodontologie Praktijk Groningen, Kliniek voor Parodontologie Amsterdam, and Tandartspraktijk Trivoor in Leeuwarden for the pleasant cooperation and participation in this research. Our special thanks go out to Andy Laaning, Korien van der Burg, Kim Veenbrink, Dr. Jan Tromp, Dr. Johan van Dijk and Drs. Astrid Stijger. |